Friday, February 10, 2012


Tumben banget akhir akhir ini gue suka telfonan
Tumben banget gue ga takut lama lama sendirian di luar rumah, cuma buat liat bintang sama bulan.
Tumben banget gue ga sakit diem di luar kelamaan.
Tumben banget gue banyak makan tapi ga merasa gemukan.
Tumben banget gue merasa sangat bebas saat jalan sama temen-temen.
Tumben banget gue mau nungguin seseorang.
Tumben banget gue ga takut di marahin si orang nan jauh disana, gara gara sms ato nelfon dia.
Tumben gue ga galau dengerin lagu galau.
Tumben gue ngeposting hal ga penting kaya gini, dan yang lainnya.
Tumben banget gue sabar di curhatin orang yang jelas jelas curhatannya menyakitkan.
Tumben banget gue dicuekin sama orang, tapi ga merasa tersakiti.
Tumben banget gue sakit hati tapi ga merasa ancur.

Oke yang terakhir lebay.
Am i change?
Gue udah beradaptasi nih?
Udah kuat kaya dulu nih?
:D hahahaa

Syenit Shinoda

Pertanyaan aneh dari Elin

  • kenapa lu sering bgt liat bulan syeen ?  
  • iyaaa pengen sampe bopeng2nya keliatan ya syeen?
  • kalo dia harkos doang gmn syeen terus dia langgeng sampe lulus lu mau?

Syenit Shinoda


You know, the moon can't be enjoying if you're alone.
And this pieces, is the important things i want to share with someone i love.
The moon. The stars. And the black sky back of it.
How beautiful they are..
Can you see that? Can you feel that?

Syenit Shinoda


But it's time to face the truth,
I will never be with you. 
You're Beautiful - James Blunt

Syenit Shinoda

Hang Out with Elin :D

Sambil nunggu jam nonton, gue dan elin makan di AW :)

Balapan minum Root Beer, and finally Elin win this game -_- heu
Menggila di botas, hasil foto elin keren-kereeeen :D
Ketemu sama bocah bocah ini waktu abis nonton. Jadi tukang foto dulu deh haha
Iseng parah gue, maksa minta nomer pesanan 6 :p hehe.
 Ke Giant niat nyari minum malah ketemu beginian :D hahaha, elin iseng banget pake minta foto bareng! Dan ujung-ujungnya bukan beli minum malah beli es krim -_- bocaaaah.
Di taman IPB. We both love ice cream, dan lagi lagi, balapan makan es krim!
 Ini di timer tapi di snapshot juga -_- cangak paraaaah! hahahhahaha.
Makan lagi *kurang gila apa? Ini beli di mahasiswa IPB yang jualan risoles di taman.
Abstract, but we loved it.

Beres foto di taman IPB, tadinya mau pulang tapi ternyata kacamata elin hilang entah kemana, akhirnya kita nyari lagi di botas, dan ketemu di foodcourt. Untung mas sama mba nya baik mau balikin haha. #jitakelinyangpikunan :p hahaha. Its a GREAT DAY! Thank you so much Helinda Utami :*

Syenit Shinoda


finding my self is someone who hurted so bad ckck

Syenit Shinoda


Sometimes I don't tell you what I'm feeling, because I'm hoping the silence between us would give you a clue.

Syenit Shinoda

I want to tell you, that ....

you should pick me! #np pick me - jb
that should be me! #np that should be me - jb
I remember every songs that we sang together in the middle of the night.
I remember every moment when we laughed together.
I remember the way you look at me, so shy, and... gorgeous.

i think i show enough.. and hurt enough.
i'm reading novel, and found a lot of text which is have a same feeling like me.

what did i do wrong to be stuck in this shitty place?

3 weeks ago, i thought to my self, that guy 'who wear number 26 in his basket shirt' isn't bad looking at all. If anything he's very good looking.

Boy, did u realize? Did you feel it? Did you...
I think i'm going crazy if keep thinking of you!

Why do I keep running from the truth?
All I ever think about is you
You got me hypnotized, so mesmerized
And I just got to know

Do you ever think when you're all alone
All that we can be, where this thing can go?
Am I crazy or falling in love?
Is it really just another crush?

Do you catch a breath when I look at you?
Are you holding back like the way I do?

Cause I've tried and tried to walk away
But I know this crush ain't going away...
Crush - David Archuleta
And you broke me now, without any words even text or anything.
Because i always know the truth without being told.
Because the dreams already show me everything i want to know.
And you broke me now, without you knowing.

But just so you know, it wont be long.
Then you will be back.
So I'll keep stay here for you.
Cause i know that i love you.

Syenit Shinoda