Saturday, October 23, 2010


Sekedar pengetahuan kecil. Ternyata sifat itu emang wajib jadi prioritas UTAMA untuk jadi alasan menyukai seseorang HAHAHA. banyak orang yang tampang oke tapi sifat buruk. Mari kita hindari kesalahan memilih teman ato pun pacar hahaha

Syenit Shinoda

Thursday, October 21, 2010

I want to make my Dad know that I ...

Dad, I think i couldn't being a doctor !
I hate to make you dissapointed, but I have to say it to you.
I know, there are much benefit if i can be a doctor.
But, if when i have my graduate from my high school, and still there are math test for medical faculty, i will find another to try. I still can undertake if I just need to learn about Biology, Physic, and Chemistry.
And for math, i didn't promise yet.

Sorry Dad, I just think to be a broadcaster in my future.
I'm study hard for they both.
Hope we can get the best result for my future :)

Syenit Shinoda

Monday, October 18, 2010

Manjat Pager Rumah

Syenit Shinoda


ARRGH! Betebetebetebete!
Gue tau sekolah gue emang disiplin ketat, gaboleh bawa hape kamera, dateng gaboleh telat, peraturannya se abrek, tapi harusnya sedikit ngertiin perasaan anak muda. Sedikit aja.
Masa gaboleh bawa (baca yang bener) BAWA MP4 ? cuma bawa doang padahal. Gue kan anak baik2, gapernah dengerin lagu pas KBM, lagian kalo dengerin juga ketauan kan, jelas2 rambut gue di iket mulu. Haduh AING MAH DEUH. I CAN'T LET MY DAY WITHOUT MUSIC! APALAGI KALO LAGI SENDIRI! YANG ADA GUE FRUSTASI. huaaaaaa!!

Oh GOD, bikin gue ga punya perasaan apa2. Supaya gue ga frustasi sendiri di perjalanan menuju sekolah dan dari sekolah . AMIN!

Syenit Shinoda

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Tentang Ade Gue

Gue tuh jarang dirumah. Jarang pula ngobrol ama orang rumah. Gue keluar kamar cuma kalo mau ke kamar mandi, makan, main komputer, dan ngambil barang yg ada di luar kamar gue. Bisa di bilang gue tuh penyendiri banget. Gue punya ade dua, Shedwi ama Sheviolita. Dan jujur aja gue ga deket ama keduanya. Tapi mereka masih suka manggil gue. Hahaha intinya mah keadaan gue masih di respon ama mereka, walau gue jarang ngrespon keadaan mereka. Gue cuek bukan berarti ga sayang. Hahaha (so sweet amat gue ngomong gini). Ya pokonya gitu, gue cuek bukan berarti ga sayang! Jangan tanya alesannya!

Syenit Shinoda

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Gue Jadi Hantu NEW

Bisa di katakan ini saya dan fans saya :) begitu ganti kostum langsung di ajak foto bareng ckck, jadi malu hahha. Ini belum di make up, nanti di upload lagi foto gue waktu di make up jadi hantu
Syenit Shinoda

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Wajah Bahagia Pemain ISYARAT :D


Syenit Shinoda

Thursday, October 07, 2010

Gue Jadi Hantu

Ini foto gue meranin hantu di film Isyarat :D
mukanya ga terlalu jelas, hem, ntar foto lagi deh

Syenit Shinoda

Saturday, October 02, 2010

x-1 in love

Adzkia Andriani : Single
Aldo Daifullah : In a Relationship with Meisya Mariska

Dwi Anjar Pramesti : Single
Farisio Nadhilsyah : In a Relationship with R. Aulia Edvani Putri
Nendang Dwi Senja : Single
Shinta Nurmala Sari : In a Relationship
Niken Pratiwi : Single
Elga Al Rezna : Single
Ananda Yuliarti : Single
Amanda Auliana : Single
Irvan Qomaruzzaman : In a Relationship with Silvana Fransisca
Sari Nurhasanah : Single
Taramila Athina : In a Relationship with Fajar Saputra
Billy Rizky : In a Relationship with Ayu Pertiwi
Ris Imam Nur Adrian : Single
Causa Dwiky Reyhan : Single
Bagaskara Hadjar Putera : Single
Fauzi Sabil : In a Relationship with Fannisa Rahma Haqqi
Harry Tri Saputra : Single
Dimass Kurniawan : Single
Bimaswara : In a Relationship with Lyanna Beembo
Muhamad Zikri : Single
Laras Andara : Single
Melody Imani : In a Relationship with Audry Prianda
Arya Ardyansyah : Single
Putry Isti : Single
Deaz Armywan : In a Relationship
Risna Farida : Single
Firmansyah Patriandika : In a Relationship

Dan gue sendiri : SINGLE ! hahahaha oh engga deng, gua mah Open Relationship xD~ hahha

Syenit Shinoda

Friday, October 01, 2010


Anjiiiirr, what is that , HAH? Lady Monster, rite? wkwkwk
I hate it
But i didn't have any reason, why i upload it to my post ckck

Syenit Shinoda


It's has been a long time since i felt falling in love with someone.
And... I think it will be difficult for me to re-adapt.
I'm so happy when i felt it, but i got mad to my self if i felt i can't get your love.
You are so amazing, charming, kind..
I should not get fall from you. Because you're too fancy for me.
And I....... nothing.

My tears feels besieging, it can fall anytime when i realize you're too precious to a girl like me.
My heart feels hardly beating, when i saw you talking to another girl.
Maybe it is too excessive, but i'm mess if you see them.
I want you focus with me.
I want to have your love.
I want to spent my time beside you.
I want you.
I like you.
I love you.
I need you.
Grab my heart, then don't let it go, ever after :D

Syenit Shinoda