Tuesday, February 14, 2012


sekarang jaga perasaan aja, terlalu seneng ga baik, terlalu sedih juga ga baik. netral aja lah.

Syenit Shinoda


kita tau cara ketawa bareng.
tau cara berbagi, cara adil ke semua orang.
tau cara makan bareng.
cara bahagia bareng.
saling bantu.
Yeep, itu lah kita :)

Syenit Shinoda

from novel

What are words anyway? They're just our way to describe what we see. What really matters is what we see, right?

Isn't there a period in your life where you feel that every song written in the universe is about you?

You know, the whole "i am okay if you are okay we are wasting time"

If you are living an unrequited love like i am, you will be doing what i am doing right now : trying to assign meaning to everything.

I remember things better with you. I look at you and i'm home.
Syenit Shinoda